Monday, October 13, 2008

Excitement! Challenges! Goals! Dreams!

This is an exciting day for me but really should be a no-brainer. I'm headed to the classroom to teach - something I am excited about but nervous in doing. It has been many years since I stood in front of a classroom - and it has changed. Why am I nervous? Technology.

I'll be using a powerpoint presentation, on a projected screen and have students on computers that are live on the internet! The last class I taught on computers was simple applications on Apple IIe's that we had to tear down every night and store in a locked cabinet! Times have changed. My children then in 1st and 2nd grade were in those classes. Now they are my support system for the computer at 25 and 26! They love telling people I was their first computer teacher. Even then it was a stretch - I'm a trained secondary teacher in Home and Consumer Science I believe they now call it - Home Economics when I was in school. In many ways this is still in my field.

Consumers need to be observant, evaluate, and analyze before they purchase or use something. I am still passionate about being good consumers but more so now in "Going Green" we should evaluate if we need to use it, have something we can re-use to keep out of the landfill, share by giving an item to someone who needs it, or recycle it.

Back to my day! Wish me luck - this eBaygrandma is going to TEACH! "The Basics of Selling on eBay!"

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