Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How Old is Too Old?

In this day and age of always wanting new things there is a group of collectors out there who are really beating the bushes to find OLD Engines.

What is the value? They bring old engines to life that have been sitting in the weeds, the back of a barn, or in a ditch for maybe decades or even a century. There probably is a machine that can do the same job a bit more efficiently but not with the direct function and to the point of operation. These old engines were usually made with one thing in mind and brought much modernization to this world - yes world. We often think in terms of the United States but many of the best engines were crafted in Canada, Germany, Australia, and other countries.

Collectors appreciate the craftmanship and ingenuity of these old timers. Parts were often handmade. But the amazing thing to me - each engine is identified with a serial number. It can be traced to no the origin and time that the engine was built. Do you think in 100 years anyone will care about the mass produced replacable 'stuff' we put out now?

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